Ethereum, Ripple’s XRP, Chainlink And Litecoin Rally As Bitcoin Trades Near $15,000

Bitcoin traders weigh in during election results as BTC price jumped over 5% spread over the past 24 hours since time of writing the price of Bitcoin climbed over $14,560 on Bitstamp.

Average gains 24 hour gains can be seen between 1% — 10% on coins such as Ethereum, Litecoin Ripple’s XRP, and ChainLink, with evidence pointing at Bitcoin trading performance.

Everipedia partners with The Associated Press to count election votes directly on the Blockchain.

Ethereum launches ETH 2.0

Someone sent a billion dollar Bitcoin transaction according to Girl Gone Crypto on Twitter.

Grayscale Holdings now owns $6.7 BILLION worth of bitcoin! At this rate, it’s predicted they’re on track to own 5% of the total supply. — According to Layah Heilpern.

Coinbase launches Coinbase Card. Which allows users to spend crypto anywhere which accepts Visa debit cards.

As citizens call for monetary policy, we see a new asset class emerge within the cyberspace lifeform created from information on the vast nets in 2020.

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Constructive criticism and feedback is welcomed. Nicholas Resendez can be reached on Instagram @nirholas, on LinkedIn , and Twitter @Bothersome for updates on new articles.

